Monday, November 7, 2011

Project Options Round 2:

1) I was first thinking that for this project I could expand on my kewpie egg project. With this idea I would create more complete/full eggs and place them in a pile/nest on the floor. Unlike my last kewpie project, this one should work because the placement/angle of the projections wouldn't matter. The projections would create a candling effect on the eggs. Maybe add a new creepy baby to the mixture?? Or a made up creation?

2) White dinner table. With this project I am thinking of creating white plaster made sculptures and projecting images onto them. Sort of similar to my rotten/nasty dinner meal idea for project 1. OR...project images of moving insects onto white table cloth.

3) Mold. Project images of mold onto plaster made sculptures First show food item still in good shape and then have it switch to the mold image.

I am still thinking of ideas! Nothing is really standing out right now. Food time and then I will do some more brainstorming.

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